Calvary Assembly of God

We are located at 2988 60th Avenue, Wilson, WI 54027  (715) 772-4625

Operation Christmas Child

Download list of possible items to purchase for this shoebox ministry!

We will be participating in Operation Christmas child again this year. We pack up shoeboxes, which are then shipped around the world through Samaritan’s Purse. Now is the time to start finding deals on school supplies.

You can either purchase your own items and pack your own shoeboxes, or you can donate items to the church, and then come on an evening that will be determined at a later time, and we will all pack shoeboxes together.

The donation boxes are out in the entry way at church for you to drop off your items.

There is a list of items to purchase to give you ideas of what is allowed to be sent and what is not allowed. Download and print the list using the link below.

We will also need help packing shoeboxes on Monday, Novebmer 7th, at 6:30 PM at the church. Anyone who can help is welcome!